Therese, Megan, Annette, Deka, Audrey, Valerie, Laura, Aqueelah
Aqueelah,treasurer, let us know that there is $350.00 available after money has been put aside for class stipends, teacher allowance, and Momcation.
We talked about perhaps setting aside $100.00 cushion for Discoball.
There is an open position that needs to filled- Fundraising Chair. This would be someone who could come to the meetings.
Decided upon an amount of $350.00 to keep in savings to carry over year to year. The amount could change depending on what works.
Sherri, staff teacher, will be talking to donor from last year, to see if they might be interested in donating again toward the Momcation.
Annette, staff teacher, talked about the Book Fair project.
Book Fair at Barnes and Noble Calhoun, November 14, 10am-4pm.
The author Bruce Lansky will be there.
The flyer will be ready soon.
Need volunteers at least 27 people to fill positions at the activity tables, snack table, reader, and gift wrapping. Sign up sheet went around the table, it will also be posted in classes for people to sign up.
Need a web master position, to put the Book Fair voucher online.
Need volunteers for prep work: book folding, and making posters.
Discussed Momcation. We need to decide when, and need a person to plan it, this person would get their own room for the Momcation.
Research needed to find the best deal, if not donated, for chairs for the parent room at Hall. There is a need for 15 chairs. Does anyone work or know anyone who works at a company that may be getting new chairs, and be willing to donate old ones to ECFE. Otherwise we need to find a very good deal somewhere.
Inquiring as to whether people who can't attend meetings, but volunteer qualify for getting pick of classes.
Next PAC meeting November 10th.