Attending: Aqueelah, Manu, Therese, Audrey, Laura, Megan
2 cookbooks were bought recently
Discussed having a little wiggle room for the teacher spending if they go over a little.
Barnes and Noble Fundraiser
-Barnes and Noble Fundraiser brought in $302.00
-The sharing of fundraiser money from Barnes and Noble needs to be clearer next time. Discussed the possibility of LAC organizing it next time, if the monies are to be split among all PACs, so that all the areas can be involved in the process.
-We decided to give half, $150.00, to be split between south and east PACs.
LAC report
-Discussed the different fundraisers that East and South are organizing.
-We are allowed to sell ECFE shirts
-They discussed the need for better communication between the Principals of the different schools and the ECFE parents, to better recruit for their schools. And to create a stronger bond.
-They are making online payments happen soon.
-There is a need for more parents to be involved in the Budget Task Force.
Parents night out is at Elsie’s January 20th at 6:30pm
ECFE Goes Green
-An Earth Day event city wide on April 22nd. Annette is planning this, we will be hearing more about it at upcoming meetings.
School Choice Fair
-January 9th for kids going into kindergarten.
-ECFE will hold a School Choice Open House on January 14th in the 3 zones to tour the schools.
Baby Disco Ball
-The lights and DJ have been arranged, the Ball will be on February 6th 4pm-6pm
-Manu volunteered to help coordinate the volunteers, we will need:
Someone to call and remind the DJ and lights person
Someone to purchase the snacks
Someone/s to help set up
Someone/s to help tear down
Someone to sell snacks
-Need to figure the entrance fee
-Will be giving $100.00 to each the DJ and the lights guy.