Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 13Th PAC Minutes

North Minneapolis PAC minutes April 13th

Attendees: Therese, Audrey, Aqueelah, Celine, Manu, Lanise, Laura, Sherri, Valerie, Amanda

Open position
  • There is an immediate opening for Secretary for the remainder of the year. Amanda volunteered for the position.

LAC update:
  • South PAC will celebrate Cinco de Mayo at Wilder May 5th and Vehicle Day in early June at Sabathani
  • Rebecca is our District Community Liason (we are Area A, Zone 1) She may be a guest at a PAC meeting next year
  • East PAC had $500 profit with their pajama party
  • Discussion is in the works for a possible partnership between Mpls ECFE and MN Children's Museum to potentially allow Mpls ECFE to have the museum to ourself on a Thursday. Details forthcoming. Permission was given for them to link from our blog.

Treasurer's Report
  • $1552 in account, approx. $300 of which is not allocated
  • Parent Ed has allocated money that hasn't been spent yet
  • For Momcation-$300 anonymous donation and $350 allocated from our budget

  • 19 participants are registered and registration is closed.
  • Aqueelah volunteered to act as Event Coordinator, whose responsibilities include: managing agenda, handling any unforeseen issues, facilitating conversation during bonding exercises, keeping in touch with yoga and reflexology volunteers
  • Therese will prepare registration form for participants which will be used to get contact data and preferences such as roommate, transportation, movie choice and agenda
  • Dinner will be provided (pizza and soft drinks)
  • Breakfast is not, but there are refrigerators and microwaves in each room, as well as the option to purchase hotel buffet

Plant Sale
  • Orders and $$ are due Friday, April 16th. So far, profit is over $450.
  • There will be 2 cross-checks of money and orders to ensure accuracy.

Book Fair
  • There is an opportunity for us to do the Book Fair with Barnes and Noble again next year. It would be handled exclusively by North PAC if we were to do it.
  • Tabled until September.

May Agenda
  • Next year's budget
  • Recruit officer volunteers including chair, secretary, treasurer, volunteer coordinator, web maven, disco ball coordinator, momcation coordinator, plant sale coordinator. If anyone wishes to volunteer themselves for any of these positions, they should contact Therese.
  • Plan June PAC meeting, possibly at a PAC member's house