PAC February 1 , 2011
Present: Stacy Mc Dowell, Billi White, Kelly Brown, Laura Oknevad, Manu Erickson, Annette Gagliardi, Celine Woods, Aqueelah Worthen,
Treasure’s report: Aqueelah
Current $1,884.70
Minus budgeted expenses = $609.70
We will keep a reserve of $300. So we have about $309 Available for use.
LAC Representatives report: (Annette)
The South PAC is selling T-shirts
- The LAC has been working on creating signs for all the ECFE sites. They are outside of the classrooms.
- The LAC has been working to get online payments and now for Spring trimester.
- Voices for children is March 17
Disco Ball: (Manu)
-The flyer is out on tables, Annette sent the flyer to staff around the city
-We have snacks, etc have been donated .
-We have some signs from last year
-Valerie has gotten the room permit, ladders, and tables. She will work on the extension cords.
- Cash and sign in. Staff should sit at sign-in table.
-Manu has a cashbox. ECFE has a cash box also
-We need help setting up. Estimate that we need 2 people at the pay/sign up table and 2 people at the snack table and people to help clean up.
-These people have signed up to work: Kelly Brown, Krista Coronado, Laura Oksnevad, Celine and Tom, Manu and Sharon,
ACTION : Laura will email Krista & Sharon about the time change.
Valerie will connect with Sharon Moser to see what other staff will work this event. Valerie will bring the sign-up sheet for this event.
ACTION: Annette will locate the ECFE cash box and put it with the snacks
Manu will email Valerie to touch base about extension cord, volunteers from staff.
Aqueelah will connect with Valerie about the cash / sign in.
Pricing: juice boxes = 50 cents, All snacks 25 cents
Juice boxes,
Rice Krispie bars
Bags of chips
Apples / oranges
Glow sticks -- $1.00 (we have some left from last year.)
Balloons for decoration.
- Celine would like to set up a sub-committee
-We got the same place as last year for the same price: it is the Marriotte Courtyard in Maple Grove. Check in is at 3 pm on Friday: check out is Saturday at noon.
- Momcation Date is Aril 15th – it is a Friday night,
-10 rooms are reserved. Two people per room($40.00 per person) This Includes breakfast
-We need money for the pizza and pop for Friday night. This year we have to pre-order the pizza from the Marriotte.
-The big worry is the money – rooms have to be reserved ahead of time.
The PAC has a credit card.
-Celine would like to have small treats in the rooms in advance, and get the yoga instructor.
-It’s a fun event so we should talk it up in classes.
ACTION: Celine will connect with Sherri R. about the anonymous donor.
If there are people interested to join Celine to get this set up. Celine develop a sign-up sheet for people interested.
The committee for this: Laura, Annette, Billi, (Celine can do the data entry – excel spread sheet knowledge)
ACTION: Annette will email Wagner info to these select people and we will get going via email.
Book Swap: Laura/ Annette
- Annette suggested a toy and book swap meet for April 22- earth day celebration. We could combine it with doing something Earth friendly.
- Aqueelah – perhaps not on that day, but something earlier
- We could have it in conjunction with a class, or some afternoon,
- Or put it with the School night – Thursday night
ACTION: Annette will connect with Hall staff for this event.
Go to
Lending library cleanup:
Monday afternoons will work: Monday, Feb. 28th from 2-3 pm
ACTION: Laura will create a sign-up sheet for this event.
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