ECFE North PAC Meeting March 1, 2011
Attending: Annette Gagliardi, Valerie Matthews, Laura Oksnevad, Sharon Bartlett, Billi White, Manu Ericksen, Kelly Browne, Muno Musse, Aqueelah Worthen
Treasurer’s report: Profit from Disco Ball: $233. Motion was carried to send debit card for $75 to each to the lights provider and the DJ. The profit balance of $83 will remain in the checking account.
LAC report: Annette reported on the LAC meeting.
South PAC is selling T-shirts, which can be purchased by anyone who’s interested.
Vehicle Day and Cinco de Mayo is scheduled for May.
Fishing with Kids will be the first weekend of June.
Pajama Party will be held at Anne Sullivan on March 3, 5:30 to 7:30. Suggested donation is $5 per family. Families may bring new PJs for People Helping People. A Flyer is available on ECFE website.
“Voices for Children” rally at the Capitol will be held on March 17. The Teddy Bear Band will play.
The Early Childhood Department (including ECFE) is trying to collect data on the impact of ECFE on school readiness, and is working on a new evaluation tool to gather that data.
Online payment for classes is up and working. Easy to use.
LAC is working on a one page flyer with Kindergarten information for parents. The flyer will be vetted by other groups working on the same information and distributed when finalized.
Next LAC meeting is on March 17.
Plant Sale: Annette reported that we have flyers and order sheets ready, with a few changes to the flyer. We are required to give the nursery a preliminary list of how many of each plant packet we will need, due by March 11. ACTION: Laura will work with Aqueelah and Sophie to find out what we purchased last year, and she will send that information as this year’s estimate. Parents who are selling the plants need to get checks at the time the order is taken and attach checks to the order form. Due date for forms is April 8, and pick up is May 5.
BOOK/TOY swap: Annette has received permission to hold the swap in the Elizabeth Hall cafeteria on Friday, April 22, which is Earth Day.
The relevant information for the flyer is: April 22, 2011; 2:00 to 3:30; bring used toys, children’s books and parenting books; pay 25 cents for each item you take. Parents with ECFE kids will help set up at 1:30, and clean up at 3:30. We are giving flyers to all ECFE classes, and the Kdg, and 1st grade Hall parents. It is OK to invite friends to participate.
ACTIONS: Annette will work with the school to meet all requirements for building use and to have child care in the ECFE room, and to have Elizabeth Hall students prepare flyers relating the swap to Earth Day recycling. Billi will dispose of all left over toys and books.
Momcation: Discussion tabled until Celine is present. Date for the event was corrected to May 13th.
Lending Libraries: About 1/8th of the inventory was completed. We will meet again on Monday, March 7th from 2:00 to 3:00 to work on it again. Annette, Laura and Sharon have agreed to work on the books, and Kelly will keep children in the classroom. All are invited to join us!
SUPPLEMENTAL ADDITIONS : It was brought up at the Friday Adventures in Parenting that we might add face painting and family photos as fund raisers at the Disco Ball next year.
Next PAC meeting: April 5th, 4:30 to 5:30
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Note taker: Sharon Bartlett
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