Thursday, December 3, 2009

PAC Minutes November 10, 2009

Members that attended: Annette, Manu, Laurie, Megan, Laura, Laqueesha, Sherri, Therese, Valerie

The LAC meeting was on October 22, topics discussed:

-Preschool Fair on November 14th at Burroughs and Webster.

-Possibility of paying for classes online

-How to communicate the need for parents to volunteer to help out for classes

Book Fair at Barnes and Noble

-Viewed the flyer, list of volunteers, and vouchers

-Went over what Barnes and Noble was providing

-All set and ready to go

Manu volunteered to try out the webmaster position (North PAC Blog)

Still looking for a chair for the Momcation

Treasurer report- still within budget

Disco Ball

-Planning for sometime in February, depending on when the DJ and lighting are available

-Will be using decorations saved from last year

-Usually break even, mainly for getting families together, and a great winter activity

-Need someone to help Sherri put the Ball together. She will make a list of what she would be needing

help with.

-Possible involvement of parents outside of PAC to help out

-Therese will call the DJ and lighting person to see when they would be available

-Talked of the possibility of getting some businesses to donate food

People who can't make the meetings but still want to be involved in the PAC. If they volunteer their time will be available for PAC status, 2 or more events to get PAC status and class priority selection.

Moms night out Wednesday January 20th. Possibly at Elsie's

Discussed the putting PAC North on Facebook

Next meeting on December 8th

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Check out the Book Fair this Saturday! A portion of all profits go to the North PAC!

ECFE Book Fair At Barnes & Nobel

November 14, 2009 10 AM - 4PM

3216 West Lake Street (Calhoun Village)


· Your favorite teacher reading

And music!

· Stamp your own book

· Refreshments (between noon and 2 pm)

· Browse the store for birthday & holiday gifts

· Meet friends and neighbors

Monday, November 9, 2009

10/13 PAC Meeting Minutes (Next meeting 11/10)




Therese, Megan, Annette, Deka, Audrey, Valerie, Laura, Aqueelah

Aqueelah,treasurer, let us know that there is $350.00 available after money has been put aside for class stipends, teacher allowance, and Momcation.

We talked about perhaps setting aside $100.00 cushion for Discoball.

There is an open position that needs to filled- Fundraising Chair. This would be someone who could come to the meetings.

Decided upon an amount of $350.00 to keep in savings to carry over year to year. The amount could change depending on what works.

Sherri, staff teacher, will be talking to donor from last year, to see if they might be interested in donating again toward the Momcation.

Annette, staff teacher, talked about the Book Fair project.

Book Fair at Barnes and Noble Calhoun, November 14, 10am-4pm.

The author Bruce Lansky will be there.

The flyer will be ready soon.

Need volunteers at least 27 people to fill positions at the activity tables, snack table, reader, and gift wrapping. Sign up sheet went around the table, it will also be posted in classes for people to sign up.

Need a web master position, to put the Book Fair voucher online.

Need volunteers for prep work: book folding, and making posters.

Discussed Momcation. We need to decide when, and need a person to plan it, this person would get their own room for the Momcation.

Research needed to find the best deal, if not donated, for chairs for the parent room at Hall. There is a need for 15 chairs. Does anyone work or know anyone who works at a company that may be getting new chairs, and be willing to donate old ones to ECFE. Otherwise we need to find a very good deal somewhere.

Inquiring as to whether people who can't attend meetings, but volunteer qualify for getting pick of classes.

Next PAC meeting November 10th.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Important Friendly Reminders

The South PAC's Cinco de Mayo potluck celebration is Tuesday, May 5th, 5:30-7:30PM at Wilder.

If you participated in our Garden Fundraiser, plants must be picked up at Hall School from 3-6PM on Thursday, May 7th.

The next Parents Night Out is Wednesday, May 13th at Nye's Polonaise Room from 6:30-9PM.

More details available on the Google Calendar on this page. (lower right)

North PAC Meeting Minutes: March 24, 2009

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

New Agenda Items:
Jen will be updating the Treasurer’s report.

February Minutes Approval:
The minutes were approve with many thanks to Mindy for filling in for Therese.

Requested Topics:
Buy The Change Celebration: Annette handed over our first earnings from this project: a check for $36. Yippee! Thanks to all who participate in this program.

Easel Purchase: Annette reviewed the research she’s done. Her dream purchase, state of the art easel from the office catalog rang in at over $400. Annette feels that although this is a top of the line easel, the price tag is too high. She was able to find two acceptable models through Office Max. Annette’s preference was for the slightly more expensive easel which appeared to be more durable and more portable.

The group discussed the various options and agreed to fund the purchase of Annette’s preferred choice from Office Max. Therese and Andy will check to see if they have any coupons or discounts we can use. They will forward this information to Jen.

Momcation: Maria led the discussion about our upcoming Mom getaway. There appears to be a lot of interest in this event. Hopefully a lot of mom’s will be able to get away for the weekend. We discussed and made decisions on the following items:
• Extending attendance: There has been some interest among “North Side” alums of ECFE as well as other ECFE locations. We determined that during this pilot year, the event will continue to be for North Side moms. North Side ECFE alums are also welcome. However, because this event is new and details about payments, reservations and agendas have not been worked out the group felt that keeping this as a North Side event in the pilot year made sense. The Momcation will be very unstructured. The only scheduled activity will be to discuss next year’s event. During this time we will try to figure out the most practical way to include other locations.
• Scholarship money: An anonymous donor has made a generous contribution specifically for North ECFE moms. She emphasized that she really wanted to help moms who might not otherwise be able to afford a break to have a chance to get away. PAC attendees will be emphasizing this in ECFE classes. We want to be sure that no one lets money get in the way of attending this event.
• Attendance of children: A nursing mom asked if she could bring her baby to the Momcation. The group felt that while the event is billed as a break from family life, nursing mothers would be welcome to bring their babies. Unfortunately in this pilot year, we will not be able to accommodate toddlers and older children. We will try to see how we might possibly accommodate moms with kids in future years during next year’s planning meeting.

Business Cards: Maria discussed an opportunity to get 250 free business cards from Vista Print. She suggests printing these cards with our PAC information including website information. The cards would also include upcoming events of note. The group agreed that since the cards are free, we’ve got nothing to lose and possibly a lot of publicity to gain!

LAC Volunteer Atenndee: Aqueelah volunteered to represent the North PAC during the April and May LAC meetings. (Dates: 4/16 and 5/21) Thanks Aqueelah!!

Report from LAC Meeting:
Annette and Aqueelah provided an update of last month’s meeting. Highlights include:

• ECFE end-of-year picnic: The picnic will be held on May 28th at North Mississippi Regional Park. The Teddy Bear Band will perform. The LAC discussed looking at other possibilities for kid’s bands for future years, perhaps alternating with the Teddy Bear Band. Anyone with suggestions should contact the PAC.
• Sharing Subcommittee: the LAC is looking to form a sub-committee to discuss how various PAC groups can share ideas, events and fundraisers. There are many questions as to how this would work. The sub-committee will work on these issues.
• Upcoming events sponsored by the LAC include Cinco de Mayo and Vehicle Day.

Treasurer’s Report:
Jen provided a brief treasurer’s report: we received a $20 donation which has been banked. Jen will be receiving the checks from the Plant fundraiser. Early results are very encouraging!

Plant Sale Fundraiser:
Sherri reports that this is a big hit among Hall teachers. Things are going well. This should be a good fund raiser for us this year and in years to come. Sherri handed over the initial earnings to the Committee (Andy and Sophie); they will tabulate information and forward money to Jen.

PAC Fiduciary Responsibility:
Therese kicked off a discussion topic regarding PAC planning. In past years we’ve not had as many involved and active parents in our PAC group. We now have a very productive and thoughtful group! We should try to put goals in place that can be used by future PAC groups. Since the PAC changes from year to year as some parents leave and others start ECFE, some sort of framework would be beneficial moving forward. Some things to consider are budget planning: should we try to plan a two-year budget and not assume that each year we will raise as much money as we did last year? In addition, should we develop spending guidelines which allocate a percentage of our spending for certain areas such as: the kids; teachers and parents, etc?

Jen offered to provide some data regarding where past years’ money has been spent.

We will look into forming a committee to put together some preliminary suggestions to be reviewed by the entire PAC at a future meeting.

The meeting was adjourned promptly, and I do mean promptly at 7:00:00 p.m. Thanks Maria for such an efficient meeting!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

North PAC Meeting Minutes: February 24, 2009

Attendees: Eight attendees.

Treasurer’s Report: $1,xxx in account. $340 specifically allocated for the Retreat in April.

Disco Ball: Jen created an info-folder for future Disco Balls. We did not break even this year. We were approximately $4 short. Hall School is having a family event on a Thursday evening in March (5th or 12th). We can sell our extra snacks/juice and cookbooks. ECFE outreach flyers/brochures will be available at the event also.

Recommendations for future Discos: Make more of an effort to make it a fundraiser. Charge more for snacks. Need more advertising. We need to discuss paying the DJ and the couple who set up and work the lights at another time.

ECFE Funding Calling Campaign: The E12 Education Budget Policy Division is looking for parents to testify about ECFE on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 8:30AM in Room 112 at the State Capitol.

New Chairs: Sherri is grateful for the beautiful new chairs. They are well taken care of.

New Fundraiser: Wagner’s “My Garden” Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser. No money needed upfront. We would pay $15/kit. We can charge what we want and keep the rest as profit. Retail price is $28. We would charge $20 for a $5 profit per kit. If we sell 30, we would qualify for free delivery. Under 30, there is delivery fee or we can pick them up. Order forms and mini-posters are available from Wagner’s. Deadline is March 14th for preliminary order. April 10th deadline for submitting our final order. May 3rd first available date to pick up the plants. We would choose a day, likely Thursday, May 7, to pick up orders at Hall. S & A will co-chair the plant sale committee and be in contact with Linda and Wagner’s. More information can be found at:

Easel Purchase: The easel Annette needs for Mona Moede costs about $300-400+ in the catalog. Annette will look into all options and look for the best deal. A. shared that he receives discounts from an office supply store that we could use.

Books the PAC purchases for use in the classroom: A. mentioned that we could look into getting a donation from a local business to pay for books, or get a grant from an organization.

Momcation/Retreat Committee: The committee needs more parents to join and meet on a Monday afternoon. Aqueelah expressed interest in joining the committee.

LAC Report from last Thursday night:
South PAC’s Cinco de Mayo and Vehicle Day events are coming up, as well as the End of the Year Picnic.

A South ECFE parent educator is asking for feedback, safety suggestions/precautions for a Kids-Fishing event. We briefly discussed the events’ need for life jackets, care with fishing hooks, limited casting or just let the children drop their line without casting.

The Budget Task Force found that there was not a clear way for parents to make payments for ECFE. Are parents to mail their checks to the main office, or take money in class? Some parents had checks returned because the semester was over before the office rec’d their check. The Budget Task Force decided that mail-in is the best way, and will take checks even if the term is over. If you can pay more, please do, but it will not be tax-deductible. Our PAC discussed the possibility of online payments and also parent educators asking for class payment in the form of a general announcement and gentle reminder to pay.

We need March, April and May volunteers to represent the North PAC at the LAC.

On-going business: For the last 5 minutes, we planned the next Parents Night Out – May 13th. Choice of restaurant was postponed for the time being. One option brought to the table was Bellanotte downtown. An ECFE parent’s spouse works there and brought a brochure to class.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:59pm.