Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 21, 2010 minutes


Introductions and sign in

Attendees: Amanda, Aqueelah, Celine, Annette, Manu, Laura, Billi, Fred, Kelly

Purpose of PAC explained
To help support ECFE classes and teachers. This includes fundraising, communicating with parent educators, and planning events such as the Book Fair, Disco Ball, and Momcation to help build bonds among ECFE parents and children.

Introduction and Election of 2010-2011 Officers
Liaison: Annette
Co-Chairs: Laura and Celine
Treasurer: Aqueelah
Secretary: Amanda
Class Representatives: All of us
LAC Representative: Billi

Volunteer Coordinator: Fred
Web Master: Manu

*Anyone can attend LAC meetings. They are held at Wilder Elementary School (34th and Chicago Ave S). Dinner is provided from 5:15-5:45, and the meeting is 5:45-6:45.
Childcare is provided. Call Rita @ 668-2127 to RSVP.

Treasurer's Report
Approximately $1800 total
Details will be discussed at next meeting after review of May meeting's minutes.

New Business
  • Vote to decide night/time for PAC meetings : Monthly meetings will now be the 1st Tuesday of each month 4:30-5:30pm @ Mona Moede.
  • Barnes and Noble Book Fair fundraiser will be Saturday, November 20TH, 2010 from 10:00am-4:00pm at Calhoun Village Barnes and Noble. Proceeds will be: 10% for sales between $1-$2000, 15% if over $2000. Annette will design flyers and vouchers to be submitted to B & N by October 1st, 2010. Amanda volunteered to help plan/run the Book Fair.
Next Meeting October 5th, 2010 4:30 - 5:30 PM we will discuss the lending library, as well as planning topics for upcoming meetings.