Friday, October 8, 2010

October 5th 2010 PAC Meeting minutes

ECFE North PAC meeting minutes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Laura O., Manu E., Aqueelah W., Sharon B., Billi White., Kelly Browne

1. Introductions of members present

2. Announcements

Teacher Valerie Matthews stopped in to greet us, and explain the use of the Mona Moede
building which is limited to early childhood education. She told us Annette had set
October 26th as the date for sign-up sheets for volunteers for the Barnes and Noble Book

3. Treasurer’s report (Aqueelah)

Balance: $1,838.65

Budgeted items:

Disco Ball (break even—no budgeted expense anticipated)
Momcation: $500
Healthy Family Yoga: $150
Family educators*: $200
Child educators*: $400
Scholastic books for classrooms: $150
Reserve: $300
Petty cash (cards/postage for thank you notes, etc): $25

Laura will contact teachers to see if they want funds per
teacher or per classroom.

Balance less budgeted items: $1838.65 - $1,725 = $113.65


LAC (Leadership Advisory Council) ( Billie)

Children’s Museum: discussion on how that went.
Discussion re: seeking funds for vehicle rental for families that can’t get to events.
Discussion re: on-line payment for ECFE classes. Apparently this is being held
up by the school district, and discussion related to whether parents should
start making calls to get it going.
Started to discuss priorities but will continue next time.
Talked about using code for DONORS CHOOSE, which is an on-line opportunity
that would give ECFE $15 per person who logs in and votes via a
code This is apparently connected to the Waiting for Superman
movie about education issues in Minnesota. Ariah Fine is
collecting codes until such time as ECFE is added to the
promotion, which is funded by a private donor.

5. Lending library (Laura)

People seem not to know that there is a lending library for books and toys. Laura will ask
teachers to tell parents about it.

The materials may be outdated, and since they are not catalogued, Laura thought we
could get volunteers to go through the books and weed out/make a list, and get funding to
add new titles. We would need to get a sign-up sheet to parents and a list of times when
classes are not in session where the books are located. Laura will type up the sign-up
sheet for Hall and Mona Moede. It was recommended that volunteers make notations
of author, title, year published, and book location (Hall or Mona Moede), so a database
printout can be available.

Also, we discussed the idea of a book swap and or purchase of books. Could
parents get a tax charitable donation receipt if they gave books to the program?

6. Event planning

1. Disco Ball: Manu agreed to coordinate this event, with Kelly Brown assisting. Manu
has contact names for the DJ and lights people. Manu will contact Valerie to find out
if the space at Mona Moede is available for February 5—the first Saturday in February,
from 4 to 6 p.m.

2. Momcation: Aqueelah will coordinate this event, and will see if Sheri can contact
the “anonymous donor” who contributed to the event last year. We increased the amount
in the budget in case the donor does not come forward again.

We tabled discussion of other events for a future meeting.

7. PAC organization

Topic was tabled until next meeting for Celine’s report. However, Aqueelah has some
information about the by-laws which she will forward to Laura and Laura will forward to

8. Other

1. A suggestion was made to look into possible outreach services that moms/children can
do such as apple picking for the food shelters.

2. Information on past or currtent PAC meetings and events happening at ECFE, log into our web site. www. or you can find us on Face book. ECFE North Pac.

3. Many more parents sign up for the PAC meetings than actually show up. Laura will
try to get lists of email addresses for those who sign up, and send a reminder the evening
before the meeting to see if that helps increase attendance.

4. Annette sent in two titles of Scholastic books for classes. Laura will check with her
to see if one of the titles was ordered last trimester (Dinosaur Roar). The other title is
Winken, Blinken and Nod.

Next PAC meeting will be on November 2ND 2010 from 4:30 -5:30 PM at Mona Moede.

Minutes taken by Sharon B.