Friday, February 26, 2010

My Garden Fundraiser is here!

ECFE North Side
Parent Advisory Council’s
Annual Fundraiser!

Each plant kit is $20.  Each kit includes 7 beautiful
pots ready to plant. There are 11 designs to choose from.

Checks should be made out to Northside  ECFE  PAC.

***All orders need to be turned in with the money by April 16.

Pick up will be at Hall School in the North parking lot on May 6 from between 3:30 and 6:30.
If you cannot pick up your plants at that time, please make sure you have made other arrangements before that date.

Questions?  Contact ECFE at 612-668-2671

Download the Fundraising Forms (PDF Files):

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pac Meeting Minutes February 9th 2010

PAC Minutes February 9th

Attendees: Ellen, Lanise, Amanda, Therese, Audrey, Manu, Sherry, Sophie, Megan

-Talked of the possibility of sending out email reminders of when registration is starting and ending, also put it in the blog.

-Mention in the LAC meeting that the plant sale fundraiser monies are going to North PAC.

-Treasurer report-$1090 in the treasury

Disco Ball

-2 $100 gift cards to be given to one each the DJ and the lighting person

-49 families came

-$545.07 total, $ 200 to DJ/lighting, $200 starting bank, profit $145


-Found a used furniture place that will sell us 12 chairs for $150, and delivery for $35.

-We voted and agreed to put money towards this.

Plant Sale

-Order forms to be passed out in all North classes

-Orders need to be in by April 16th

-Pickup Date May 16th

-We will use the flyers that we used last year

-Plants will sell for $20 with $5 per plant sold going to North PAC

-Prizes for people who sell the most, 1st prize being gift basket from East Side Coop, 2nd a plant.


-Money was set aside last year

-$10 per person

-Planning for end of April


-Possible setting up of an ECFE account

-Therese is looking into this