Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby Disco Ball February 5, 2011

Third annual Disco Ball sponsored by North Minneapolis PAC (ECFE Parent Advisory Council) will be held on February 5th 2011 Saturday from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Mona Moede at 2406 Girard Ave. North, Minneapolis. There is a $5 dollar admittance suggested donation per fam-ily. There will be snacks and juice avail-able for purchase. There will be lots of fun music and activities for the everyone.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 5, 2011 PAC. meeting minutes

PAC meeting January 5, 2011


Attendees Sharon Bartlett, Kelly Brown, Manu Erickson, Annette
Gagliardi, Khadiga Mohamed, Billi White, and Celine Woods

Treasurer’s report: delivered by Annette: balance is $ 211.54 plus
our $300 reserve, after projected expenses for this school year.

LAC report: Delivered by Annette: salient information is that the
School Fair is January 8, 2011 and East PAC now has a website. There
was discussion of a social for all PACs city wide, and a member of LAC
should be contacting each PAC. Manu suggested that a wellness event
would be a good idea for such a social. There was a reminder that the
Children’s Museum will be open to ECFE parents and children on
Thursday January 13, free.

Lending Libraries: Date is currently being reviewed for a possible
Monday session or two. The childcare room would be open then and
Kelly would keep the children in that room while adults organized and
recorded the books.

Events Updates

Disco Ball, February 5, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Manu is still coordinating
with Lisa Bromwell about the lights and Brian about the music. Lisa
will need help and Manu will find out what kind of help, and offer
help as needed. Sophie is donating the snacks. We will need to
purchase some juice boxes. Manu will ask Laura to contact possible
donors (need to contact donors on PAC letterhead describing the
event—Laura did this last year).

Couples night out, Wednesday, January 19, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Billi
contacted Elsies and found out we could not use the bowling alleys.
Kelly is checking to see if we could use Good Sports at 2nd and
Broadway. If not we will stick with Elsies and use the dining area


Celine presented the newsletter. We talked about the BLOG and the
website, and all information should be posted in those places.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December 2010 meeting minutes

North PAC Meeting

Dec. 7th, 2010

Present: Annette, Aqueelah, Laura, Billi, Phamala,

Treasures’ report: (Aqueelah)

North Minneapolis ECFE PAC
Treasurer's Report
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Beginning Balance
Revenue Received
Cook Book Sales
Book Fair
Total Revenue Received
Balance $58.00
Budgeted Expenses (Based on Prior Years Minutes) $27.17
Disco Ball $85.17
Momcation $1,923.82
Healthy Families Yoga Event
Parent Educators break -even
Child Educators $500.00
Scholastic $150.00
Petty Cash - Miscellaneous $200.00
Total Budgeted Expenses $400.00
Remaining Balance after Budgeted Expenses $150.00
Less Reserve $25.00
Ending Balance $1,425.00

We have budgeted for classes $600.00

400 for Early Childhood

200 for Parent Educators

In the past, we have sent in receipts and been reimbursed or Aqueelah has made purchases for us.

We decided on $300.00 per site. People can give Aqueelah the orders to purchase

Annette will turn in the book orders for the two classroom sets she recently purchased.

There is a separate budgeted line item for Scholastic classroom sets.

LAC Representation: (Annette)

The LAC meeting was held at Hale on November 18, 2010.

  1. There is a Gingerbread House making Event on Dec. 11th at Burroughs school hosted by the South PAC.
  2. Jennifer Barshack (Parents as Teachers) is working on a Transition to Kindergarten Curriculum and is working with NAZ teachers on this.
  3. Kat Kemp (Ready4K) noted that the Jr. League would like to help with advocacy for Early childhood.
  4. Jolene Pearson is a new Community Liaison to the LAC. She will represent “Help Me Grow” which is an infant & special needs umbrella with the district. The website like is: MNParentsKnow.info and the district has a website: Minneapolishelpmegrow.mpls.k12.mn.us This is all about the service providers in the district.
  5. Online Payments: We will test the online payment system by asking members of each PAC to try it for Winter trimester. Selected people can call Ginger at 612.668.2147 on Tues, Thurs. or Fri.

    (Billi White volunteered to do this)

  1. Budget Task Force: the LAC needs 8 to 12 people. The dates will be either Jan 11,12 or Jan. 25,26, 27 (2 out of 3) A reminder that the LAC meeting is Jan 2oth and the Children’s museum is Jan 13th.

Billi White and Aqueelah Worthing will be on the Budget task force. They prefer the 25, 26, 27 of Jan.

  1. High Five/kindergarten flyer: Helen will begin this flyer and the LAC will give feedback. The flyer will a tips to parents about getting ready for kindergarten.
  2. Intro to schools: the LAC suggested that each area invite the welcome center to speak about schools in their area- perhaps a special event hosted by the LAC. This could be a fall event so parents could find out about the schools.

Open Secretary Position: Laura

Sharon is a possible secretary

Barnes & Noble Book fair: Annette

The book fair was held at Barnes & Noble on Nov. 20th. We had 15 staff volunteers, and 5 PAC volunteers. Everyone had a wonderful time. Teachers read all day long.

We made $78.09 in store, $2.00 on Nook sales, $18.07 on Online Sales for a total of $98.16. They well send a check in three weeks.

Discussion about whether we want to do this next year tabled for future months. We need to think of our goals for the literacy event and make a decision about whether it is for money, for the experience or a non-profit event.

Lending Libraries: Laura

    Can teachers be available on site to watch the children when parents work on the library? Annette can at Hall. We will have to talk to Valerie for Mona Moede.

    Annette suggested that one parent could watch kids while others sorted

    ACTION: Annette Ask Sharon if we can get EA time for childcare for this.

This is tabled until after Winter break.

        Events Update

Disco Ball: Feb 5th 4-6 PM

Sophie and her husband will donate the food for this

Manu is the coordinator. Laura will have Manu contact her.


Celine is the coordinator. Laura will contact her for an update.

Book Swap: is tabled until after the break

Suggested that this be added to the Book fair for a literacy event next fall.

Couples night out:

Billi contacted Elsies (Marshall & 8th) and go some information from them. She will look at Jan 18th or 19th. She will continue doing research and will price out a couple different places. Suggested to have a time for food and a time for bowling.

Plant Sale:

Sophie will help do this. Who will help with this? She has communicated with Wagners. Billi will help Sophie with this. Sherri Rutman was really instrumental in doing this, so will Annette help this year and connect with Linda Case.

Bring to LAC:

What times work best for you for meetings? What are your best days? Can we do a survey to poll parents (Mid year) about what days and times you will like for next year.

Service Opportunities:

Do we, as a PAC, want to do Service as a group? Feed My Starving children and Nursing Homes, Apple picking, Reading buddies, go and read with seniors, were some ideas offered.

What can we do with our children that will encourage altruistic behaviors?

ACTION: Billi & Laura will research what other kinds of things are available to do, in the area.

Meeting adjuourned: 5:35 pm